Lee in the Mountains

Doing the Lord's Work by Saving the White Race

What liberals are…

The European Christians who are resisting the Moslem invasion of the European nations are making the same mistakes the prolifers made. They say they know what liberals are, but if they truly knew what they are, satanically possessed swine, would they try to appeal to their humanity? “Please stop abortion; it kills a young child,” and, “Please stop allowing Moslems into our nation; they are destroying our culture and killing our people.” Would you ask a wolf to spare the sheep in your pasture or would you kill the wolf? The liberals hate everything that is humane and Christian, so why would you expect them to stop killing babies and white people simply because you point out to them that legalized abortion and legalized white genocide are inhumane? The liberals know what they are doing in both cases. They want to kill babies and they want to destroy the white race. White Christians can either kill the wolves – the liberals and the colored heathen –or they can sit back and watch the slaughter while they keep appealing to the wolves’ humanity.


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